33 Weeks
We were at the very last week that our Dr. felt comfortable with us traveling far and so off we went to Matt's cousin's wedding in MN. It was a great trip! Nice to get out of town before Alyssa comes and a great time with family. Congrats to Katie and Nick!
Some of our highlights:
- We went swimming in the hotel pool, so nice! It was such a weird feeling having all that baby weight just "disappear" in the water. I loved it!
- We met up with our lovely friends Stephi and Trevor. They now live in MN and it was so great to see them and their new house!
- We visited a historical home built for James J Hill that was once the largest private residence in MN in the 1890's
- And of course we went to the Mall of America and saw one of Matt's favs
We finally took our hospital baby class. It was an ALL DAY class on Sat. It was long but we knew that going into it and made the most of it. We both enjoyed it and feel prepped for our Alyssa to come!
35 Weeks
CHURCH BABY SHOWER! What a fun time!! So SO sooooo blessed by the ladies in my church! Thank you for an amazing day!
At our Dr. apt I asked how I was measuring. Dr. said we seemed to be a cm small... which is no biggy but we used it as an excuse to schedule another ultrasound. I'm sure our Dr. didn't mind getting some extra stats on our Alyssa with our pending delivery. And we didn't mind seeing our little girl again! We scheduled the ultrasound for the following week, we would have another OB apt before then.
37 Weeks
Another adventurous Dr. apt.... my heart was beating irregularly and out of precaution we were advised to see a cardiologist. While I was on the phone at our OB making an apt for the cardio Matt asked our OB if he thought we were going to make it all the way to 40 weeks, he said probably not. Well... that was almost 2 weeks ago... we only have 6 days until our due date! Where is this baby?
We had our ultrasound the next day and everything went great. 3 important notes from the apt. 1) Alyssa officially made herself comfortable in the head-down position... making things a bit more uncomfortable for me. But this just means we are good to go for delivery! 2) she is definitely a SHE! 3) And according to the pictures we got Alyssa is going to have big, stubby feet. Poor girl! Hoping it was just the angle of the pic.
38 Weeks
We had the cardio apt talked to the Cardio and got an EKG. Everything seemed to look fine but as added precaution they scheduled an eco for 2 days later. Eco went fine and we got our good results at our next OB apt, which was the next day. This OB apt went very smooth and nothing to report. Just waiting for labor to kick in.
Matt and I have really kicked up our walking routine. We walk almost every day, sometimes 2 miles. This is a big deal for me in general since exercising has never been a normal part of my life. I am really enjoying it and am hoping the Lord looks
39 Weeks
I woke up in the middle of the night last Sunday night thinking I was having contractions but unfortunately they went away. I am so ready to meet our Alyssa and this was a pretty disappointing outcome for me. But I am confident in the Lord's timing. Just like everything else I am going to look back and think, "Of COURSE that's when He wanted it...." He always has perfect timing, just have to wait.