WOAH! Where has the time gone... I have been trying to get on here for WEEKS!
It has been a little more than a month since I have been on and SO much is changing. Let me go back a few weeks:
19 Weeks
This was the big week we found out we are having a baby girl! That was such a momentous moment that it's hard to remember if anything else happened that week. I can tell you that we have been so blessed to actually KNOW that we are having a baby girl. We call her by her name all the time and refer to things as hers, such as, "Alyssa's room." We wonder who SHE will be and how HER quirks are going to add to our family. It's funny how much changes when you know the gender and name. She is already HER unique self and we love HER to pieces.
This isn't to say we know 100% she is a girl... because there is always that chance we are really having a boy. But we are OK with that. We are actually expecting to ask "Is it a GIRL?" when she is just born. We would be surprised if we are really having a boy. But we wouldn't be shocked. The Lord knows and that's all that matters :)
20 Weeks
This week I noticed that Alyssa gets uncomfortable when I "push it". If I find myself going-going-going I can tell she gets fatigued by it. And she doesn't like it when I squat for gardening, she gets a little too squished. I have had to learn my limits with energy and with a growing belly. All such interesting and new things.
Also, she had one kicking spree this week that actually woke me up out of a dead sleep. She wouldn't stop and I actually had to get up, have a snack and go back to bed before she settled down. Overall I think she lasted an hour. What a funny girl.... hopefully not a sign of our future nights with her. :-/
21 Weeks
We had another Dr's appointment this week. He went over our ultrasound information from a few weeks ago and he said everything looks great! Alyssa is absolutely healthy and perfect!
22 Weeks
This is the week I discovered the sorrows of acid reflux. I had been noticing that I can't spend very much time bending over because of my belly getting in the way but then I began to notice I get acid reflux. At first it was barely noticeable. If I sensed it happening I would slow down and be fine. But within this week I realized that I really can't spend anytime bending over. I told my doctor about it at our last appointment and he warned me to take it easy. He said that it's happening because as Alyssa grows my stomach is being pushed out of the way and is actually turning sideways! The naturally gravity to keep things down is diminishing. FUN isn't it?? But overall my health has been great and I can't complain about any of the changes. I am just glad she keeps growing healthy and strong.
23 Weeks
Alyssa must be growing leeps and bounds because my tummy has hit a growth spurt. I feel like I woke up one day and there was a prego belly. I have gone maternity shopping a couple times now and have stocked up on all-things elastic-waisted.
24 Weeks - TODAY
Just the last 24 hours have been enough to write a whole separate blog entry on! Alyssa has been so interesting lately. She has been kicking up a STORM and has even (dare I say) gotten a little annoying about it sometimes :) Today she kept kicking in the same spot over and over, I'm pretty sure my insides are bruised. But I would rather her kick to constantly and know that she is so strong than to wonder how she is doing in there.
Yesterday was such a crazy day too! It was mother's day. After church we went to celebrate our brother-in-laws bday (it happened to be on Mother's day this year) and then went home to take a nap in the lawn. I set out our picnic sheet and laid down in the sun. Then Alyssa started kicking. I was laying on my back so her kicks were feeling very strong. I sometimes poke her back but never really feel like I am making any contact. But yesterday I felt her! There was a hard spot right where she was kicking and then it moved... so I started to poke around my belly and found it again! I think it was her foot or something. I had Matt touch my tummy and he felt it too. I began to poke all around my belly and found 2 other hard spots, one I think was her head and the other her butt... not sure what was what. But based on the foot we found I'm certain thats how she was laying. It was one of the coolest (and creepiest) moments with her so far. It made all this feel so real. I loved it. Sometimes it's hard to believe that she is REALLY IN THERE, but she certainly is!
Thank you all for keeping up with us. We love know that our friends and family are on this journey supporting us. We couldn't walk down this path with you. We also know with 100% certainty that our Lord has so intricately planned this path we are on, we are so grateful for his abundant grace and provision. Our faith is in Him and all we want is His will in our lives, and in Alyssa's too. Without Him we are nothing. Colossians 1:15-17 says, "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for how He has gone before us to pave a way and has held us together with each step we take.
"Lord, we love you and praise your name. Have your way in our lives as long as you are glorified."